To request an event or opportunity to be posted on the calendar, please complete our Calendar Entry Request form. (Link opens in new page.) Please submit your event at least 2 weeks in advance of the event date and allow at least 48 hours for new events to appear on the calendar once they’ve been submitted.

Chapter members: Check the state TMN website (link opens in new page) for other training and volunteer opportunities offered through the state office or other chapters.


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Earth Science Week

October 13 - October 19

Since October 1998, the American Geosciences Institute has organized this national and international event to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth. Raising awareness of the geosciences nationally and around the globe, AGI leads Earth Science Week in cooperation with its sponsors and the geoscience community as a service to the public. Each October, community groups, educators, and interested citizens organize celebratory events. Earth Science Week offers opportunities to discover the Earth sciences and engage in responsible stewardship of the Earth. Learn more at


October 13
October 19


To request an event or opportunity to be posted on the calendar, please complete our Calendar Entry Request form. (Link opens in new page.) Please allow at least 48 hours for new events to appear on the calendar.