3Rivers Ranch/Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus

Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus FM 654, Crowell, United States

Travel to Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus to check on the game cameras there, work on the pollinator garden, and do water testing on the property. **Text Lynn at 940-867-3006 or... Read More →

Education and Outreach Committee Meeting

Wichita Bluf Trail Seymour Hwy, Wichita Falls, Texas, United States

Are you interested in helping with programs for schools, groups, and events? Meeting place to be determined. Contact Lynn at 940-867-3006. CB: Administrative Work - Board/Committee Meeting

Christmas in the Park

Attend "Christmas in the Park" at Lake Arrowhead State Park. Help man the Chapter's campsite or volunteer handing out cookies and hot cocoa/coffee to the public at the Park's Adminstration... Read More →

TMNTuesday for December

On the Second Tuesday of each month at the noon hour (12PM Central Standard Time), the TMN State Office will offer an hour-long virtual advanced training event (sometimes including some... Read More →

3 Rivers Ranch

Travel to 3 Rivers Ranch (aka Comanche Springs) to check on the game cameras, pollinator garden, and do water testing. Text Lynn at 940-867-3006 or email her at rlynnseman@gmail.com, if... Read More →