Texas Invasives
Sponsored by Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalist and Texas AgriLifeDate: Friday, May 10, 2019
Time: 9:00a – 4:00p
Place: St. Michael’s Catholic Church Hall, 2898 Hwy 190W, Jasper, TX 75951
Registration: www.texasinvasives.orgRSVP: Please RSVP to lori.horne1965@gmail.com for further announcements.
Bring: Iphone, Ipad or laptop
Cost: $10 (to cover materials)
Contact: Texas A&M Agrilife, 409-384-3721Longleaf Ridge Master Naturalists and TX A&M Agrilife are sponsoring a Texas Invasives training workshop conducted by Lady Bird Johnson Wildlife Center. This training will teach how to use the Texas Invasives website, how to identify and report invasive species, and how to become an important volunteer in helping to preserve our environment.Other resources: