When: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 (1p – 5p)
Where: Jasper County Courthouse Annex, 271 E. Lamar St, Jasper
Pre-register: https://tws.tamu.edu/workshops/registration or call 979.862.4457
Website: https://tws.tamu.edu
The Texas Watershed Steward program is a free, educational workshop designed to help watershed
residents improve and protect their water resources by getting involved in local watershed protection
and management activities.
The workshop will provide an overview of water quality and watershed management in Texas, including a discussion on the Neches River and efforts by the Texas Water Resources Institute and local stakeholders to help improve and protect it. Free continuing education credits/CEUs offered for a wide
variety of professional disciplines. Light refreshments will also be provided. For a complete list of continuing education offered, or to register, visit https://tws.tamu.edu or call 979-862-4457.