Some events may require pre-registration. Please check with the event organizer beforehand.

Sheldon Lake Prairie Restoration

Sheldon Lake State Park and Environmental Learning Center 14140 Garrett Rd, Houston, Houston

Contact: John P. Egan  (

Kleb Woods – Humming Bird & Butterfly Garden Upkeep

Kleb Woods Nature Center 20303 Draper Rd, Tomball

Join fellow Master Naturalist volunteers in maintaining the humming bird and butterfly gardens at the Kleb Woods Nature Center. Please contact Fred Collins for more information.

Kleb Woods – Workday

Kleb Woods Nature Center 20303 Draper Rd, Tomball

Assist the volunteer work crew with the weekly activities, butterfly and hummingbird gardens. Occasional tree/shrub grow-out and planting. Check the link below for more information: