Year/President/Vice President
- 2003/Dave Skinner/Marvin Bloomquist
- 2004/Dave Skinner/Marvin Bloomquist
- 2005/Marvin Bloomquist/Bill Luedecke
- 2006/Bill Luedecke/Sue Kersey
- 2007/Sue Kersey/Ray Buchanan
- 2008/Ray Buchanan/Terry Bartoli
- 2009/Terry Bartoli/Phil Wyde
- 2010/Phil Wyde/Billy Hutson
- 2011/Billy Hutson/Fredi Franki
- 2012/Fredi Franki/Linda O’nan
- 2013/Linda O’nan/Pat Campbell
- 2014/Pat Campbell/Cris Faught
- 2015/Cris Faught/Melissa Duckworth
- 2016/Melissa Duckworth/Cathy Hill
- 2017/Cathy Hill/Martelle Leudecke
- 2018/Martelle Leudecke/Susan Montgomery
- 2019/Susan Montgomery/Stennis Shotts/Terry Bartoli
- 2020/Terry Bartoli/Stephen Harrell
- 2021/Stephen Harrell/Suzanne Adkinson
- 2022/Suzanne Adkinson/Roy Appleton
- 2023/Roy Appleton/Jill Goff
- 2024/Jill Goff/Cathy Houston
Note: Chapter officers were installed late in 2003 and continued to serve in 2004