AT Opportunity: April 21 – Pollinators of Nature Discovery Center


April 21 – Pollinators of Nature Discovery CenterEric Duran of Nature Discovery Center will show us the various pollinators that visit this urban oasis in Bellaire and their roles in the ecosystem.Register at: This event has a video call. Join:

AT Opportunity: Ecosystem Services in the Greater Houston Region: Case study analysis and recommendations for policy initiatives webinar


Ecosystem Services in the Greater Houston Region: Case study analysis and recommendations for policy initiatives with Deborah January-Bevers, President at Houston WildernessRegister at: This event has a video call. Join:

AT Opportunity: Home Composting!


6:20 Meeting Opens6:30 Business Meeting & Plant of the Month7:00 Guest SpeakerIf you could only use one product to improve the health of your garden, what would that product be? If you answered compost, you would be correct. Carlos Domenech will talk about how compost can improve the health and structure of soil and provide... Read More →