This article was written by Leigh Allen, PWLCTMN. All photos were taken by Tina Crichfield, PWLCTMN
The Winters Bayou Wildlife Sanctuary is a 165-acre sanctuary located in San Jacinto County, Texas. Situated next to the Sam Houston National Forest, the sanctuary sits in a transition zone between the Gulf Coastal Prairie, the Piney Woods, and the Blackland Prairie ecoregions. It is comprised of two tracts of land. The larger 130-acre tract consists of upland pine forest and mixed pine-hardwood bottomland. This tract was donated to Houston Audubon Society (HAS) by Houston businessman Malcolm Damuth. As a condition of the donation, the tract must be managed as a wildlife sanctuary. The site contains parts of Winters Bayou, which borders the trail at certain points.

On November 19th HAS partnered with the Piney Wood Lakes (PWL) chapter of Texas Master Naturalists (TMN) in an effort to start clearing the trails at the site for visitor usage. Volunteers spent the day trimming bushes and trees, clearing fallen logs and repairing boardwalks on the trail. New footage was added to the current trail. Future projects will include more clearing and the addition of signage to the site.
Management of the Sanctuary
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between TMN – PWL Chapter and HAS. It outlines the shared responsibility for the sanctuary.
TMN – PWL is responsible for:
- Conducting trail maintenance at least two times per year.
- Clearing habitat management of trails and mowing of grass at trailhead and on trails.
- Working with Houston Audubon on funded trail expansion project.
- Limited removal of invasive species.
- Minor trail maintenance after consultation and agreement with HAS.
- Informing HAS as to current sanctuary conditions and maintenance needs.
- Publicity for workdays.

HAS responsibilities include:
- Allowing TMN – PWL to use the sanctuary for approved programming and training.
- Staff and equipment for at least two scheduled workdays per year.
- Advertise workdays to HAS members and volunteers.
- Additional signage at the sanctuary explaining the partnership.
- Points of contact for downed trees requiring chainsaw, heavily damaged boardwalks, flooding damage, i.e.,
Directions to the Sanctuary
Winters Bayou Wildlife Sanctuary is located at 200-598 S. Moody Ln., Cleveland, TX.
Parking and the trailhead are located at the intersection of Moody Rd. and S. Moody Ln.
The GPS Coordinates for the sanctuary are 30°27’19.34″N, 95°11’46.01″W.
The sanctuary is open daily from sunrise to sunset. Visitors can contact Schyler Brown (sbrown@houstonaudubon.org ) for further information.

PWL members can contact Tina Crichfield (pwltmntina@gmail.com) about maintenance efforts at the sanctuary.
Winters Bayou Wildlife Sanctuary has been submitted to Texas Parks and Wildlife as part of the Great Texas Wildlife Trails program and will be included as part of PWL’s Adopt-a-Loop project at that time.