Please join your TMN Brazos Valley Chapter for our annual HOLIDAY CELEBRATION!!!
- Sign up for potluck food items to bring using the doodle poll link in Kathryn’s email.
- Please RSVP to Kathryn by DEC. 4, with the number of people who will be attending. We’ll need a head count before ordering the turkey!
- Directions to TDI Brooks International can be found at the following google maps link:
- For some reason Google maps thinks TDI Brooks is FlagShip Custom Homes, but if you follow the directions, they will take you to the party!
A SILENT AUCTION will be held benefiting our chapter.
- Please bring along items to donate, and print/fill out the BVTMN SILENT AUCTION and bring with you.
- Please do not donate alcohol, but ******B.Y.O.B.******
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