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Event Series Event Series: Beginning Birding Series

Beginning Birding Series

June 28, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

VMS Opportunity- AT (Insert specific class you attended in the series) TMN Kristine Rivers

TMN Cradle of Texas Chapter/Kristine Rivers is pleased to be partnering with Galveston’s Rosenberg Library to offer our free Birding for Fun 8-week series of Beginner Birding virtual classes again this summer. Each class has been approved for one hour of AT (unless you have attended previously) and you can sign up for the entire series or just the class that interests you. 


Classes will be held on Mondays at 4:30pm via Zoom, as follows:


Monday, June 7: Intro to Birding – Find out why our area offers some of the best birding in the world, and how you can get involved! We’ll also review some common species of birds in our area, with tips on identification.


Monday, June 14: How to Select Binoculars & Field Guides – Excited about birding, but not sure where to start? This class will give you insight into how to select the binoculars and field guides that are right for you, so you can feel confident when making purchasing decisions.


Monday, June 21: Understanding Your Birding Field Guide – Crest, crown, speculum, undertail coverts, supercilium—seriously? Don’t let the terminology in your field guide confuse you! We’ll help you make sense of what everything means, in easy to understand language, using photos of birds in our area as examples. Have your field guide nearby if you would like to refer to it during the class.


Monday, June 28: Using Your Birding Field Guide – When you’re just starting out, using your field guide to try to identify a bird in the field can be difficult!  We’ll help you narrow down where to look in your field guide, and talk about different identification methods using size and shape, behavior and habitat clues. Then you’ll have a chance to practice your identification skills, so be sure to have your favorite field guide handy!


Monday, July 12: Location, Location, Location! Understanding Habitat – Birds are an amazingly diverse group of animals with over 10,000 species worldwide, because they have adapted over time to survive in almost every type of habitat. We’ll take a close look at the many different habitat types in our area, and the kinds of birds that each attracts.


Monday, July 19: Bird’s Eye View on Behavior – Fascinated with bird behavior? So are we! Join us for this special presentation using our personal videos of a variety of water birds in action to learn how you can use behavior to help with identification.


Monday, July 26: Rat-a-tat-tat! Who’s That? Nature’s Drummers – Woodpeckers are fascinating birds with amazing physiological adaptations and behavioral habits. We’ll discuss their anatomical structure, then review the species that are common in our area.


Monday, August 2: It’s Time for a Makeover! Understanding Plumage Variation – In this interactive presentation, we’ll discuss the reasons for plumage variations; how molting can affect identification; and color changes of bills, lores, legs, and feet. Bring your favorite field guide if you would like to practice your identification skills.


If you would like to register, please contact Ash Welborn at awelborn@rosenberg-library.org and let him know which classes you would like to attend. Participation is free, but class size is limited! Hope to see you there!


Kristine Rivers

Texas Master Naturalist – Cradle of Texas Chapter


June 28, 2021
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
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Kristine Rivers