VMS opportunity: Administrative work: chapter meeting
VMS opportunity: AT: chapter program
The January chapter meeting will be held virtually on January 23, 2021
January GLC Virtual Meeting using WebEx
10-11:30 Chapter Meeting
11:30-12 Noon Break/Social Time
12 Noon – 1:30 AT Presentation
Please join us for our first business meeting of 2021. And enjoy a celebration of chapter member accomplishments in 2020.
- Welcome
- Nov. Meeting Minutes review and approval
- State Service Guidelines
- 2021 Budget Review/Questions/Approval
- Updates from Board Members and Project Leaders
- New business
- Volunteer Appreciation Celebration (See the Special Edition of The GLC Tidings!)
The AT presentation, by Clint Faas, TPWD Wildlife Biologist, will cover white-tailed deer management practices.
NOTE: the WebEx link will be sent out to all chapter members. Watch your email!