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Herbicide workshop (Fayette Prairie Chapter – Native Prairies Association of Texas)

February 2, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

VMS opportunity: NGO workshops and programs on wildlife conservation and land stewardship

Herbicide Workshop

Friday, 2 February, 9:00-5:00

Casino Hall, 254 North Jefferson, La Grange

REGISTRATION: https://texasprairie.org/event/herbicide-workshop/


This workshop is intended for two audiences: (1) those already using herbicides in prairie/savanna restoration/maintenance and wishing to learn more about their effective and safe use, and (2) those not doing prairie/savanna restoration because herbicides are involved, but who are open to learning more about herbicides. A wealth of expertise has been assembled to address the educational needs of both groups. Lunch will be provided. CEUs will be provided for this workshop, the exact number will be given in a flyer update.

9:00     Check-in and Coffee

9:30     Understanding Herbicides: Mode-of-Action and Efficacy (Scott Nolte)

 10:30   Toxicology of Herbicides (Mark A. Matocha)

11:30   Texas Pesticide Laws and Regulations (Elizabeth Prokop)

12:30   Lunch

1:30     Useful Herbicide Applications on Rangelands (Megan Clayton & Stacy Hines)

3:30     Management Decisions: When and Why? (Tim Siegmund)

4:30     Discussion

There will be time following the presentations for questions, with a designated discussion period following the presentations. Participants will also be able to interact with speakers during the workshop and over lunch.


Megan Clayton (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

Dr. Megan Clayton is a Rangeland Specialist with the Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service, and Professor in the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management at Texas A&M University. Her responsibilities include providing support for Extension agents, specialists, clientele, and organizations through teaching, training, and providing technical expertise.  Her current interests include blending wildlife habitat and livestock range management, small acreage management, UAV (drone) research, brush management, and youth natural resources education.

Stacy Hines (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

Dr. Stacy L. Hines is a Rangeland Habitat Management Specialist with the Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service, and Assistant Professor in the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management at Texas A&M University. Her responsibilities include integrating technologies and diversifying mediums to improve the educational experiences of stakeholders. Her research focuses on the interconnection between rangelands and the livestock and wildlife they support. Her main area of responsibility includes the Coastal Bend and South Texas.

Mark A. Matocha (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

Dr. Mark Matocha is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist with the Agricultural and Environmental Safety Unit of Texas A&M University AgriLife Extension Service in College Station.  He holds a Ph.D. in weed science from Texas A&M University and routinely conducts educational programs for pesticide applicators across the state, in addition to working with state and federal agencies in evaluating pesticide uses and needs.

Scott Nolte (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)

Dr. Scott Nolte grew up on a small grain and cattle farm in Southern Illinois. He earned his Ph.D. in weed science in 2009 and then worked at Monsanto for 8 years prior to joining the Soil and Crop Sciences Department at Texas A&M. For the past 6 years he has served as the State Extension Weed Specialist. In this role, Scott conducts research on drift management and on weed management in our major row crops, pastures, hayfields, rights of way, and turf.

Elizabeth Prokop (Texas Department of Agriculture)

Elizabeth Prokop is currently the Coordinator for Agricultural Pesticide Certification & Compliance at The Texas Department of Agriculture in Austin, TX. Elizabeth has over 10 years of experience working with Texas agricultural, environmental, and oil and gas regulatory programs. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from the University of Texas at Austin, and she works in her home’s vegetable and pollinator garden in her spare time.

Tim Siegmund (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)

Tim Siegmund is the Private Lands Program Leader for the Wildlife Division of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.  His job duties include supervising a handful of habitat restoration incentive programs across the State of Texas. Tim has had a hand in over 10,000 acres of prairie restoration and many other brush control, prescribed fire, and riparian restoration projects.


February 2, 2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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Casino Hall
Casino Ha254 North Jefferson
La Grange, TX
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