VMS Category: AT: NGO Workshops and Programs on Wildlife Conservation and Land Stewardship
As part of the National Wildlife Federation’s Monarch Stewards certification program, NWF is partnering with members of the City of San Antonio monarch conservation network to provide the Monarch Stewards’ first level of training, the
Monarch Conservation Workshop “Train the Trainer”.
This workshop is a one day course on monarch biology, ecology, and conservation. You will learn the basics of monarch habitat creation and conservation and you will leave the course with the knowledge and confidence to engage diverse groups to take action on behalf of the monarch butterfly.
Main Topics
Monarch anatomy, biology, life cycle and migration.
Monarch threats: parasites, disease, land use, and pesticides, among others.
Milkweed ecology, nectar plants, and monarch waystations.
Outreach tools and materials, agencies and conservation groups involved in
monarch conservation activities.
Citizen Science, communication skills, interpretation, and role play.
How to recruit and structure a successful workshop/presentation
Click here for the program brochure, which contains additional information on costs and a registration link.