Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site workday

Washington on the Brazos State Historic Site 23400 Park Road 12, Washington, TX

VMS opportunity: Washington on the Brazos State Historic Site Join us for a workday in the GLC pollinator garden at Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site. We’ll be working on cleaning up, cutting back, and pulling out aggressive native and non-native plants. Bring gloves, hand clippers, and small trowel or other tool for digging up weeds, and don’t... Read More →

Time to Restore Texas Workshop: Informing Climate-Smart Plantings for Pollinators [Citizen Science]

Join a citizen science project led by the USA National Phenology Network to gather better information about nectar availability and seed timing to help those working on pollinator restoration know what to plant and when to harvest seeds. Help shape this important project by attending a free, two-hour virtual workshop on August 21 or August 24 to participate in the Time to Restore project. Registration opens August 1 at 8 a.m. 


TMN Tuesday

VMS opportunity: AT: TMN Tuesday Check back for more information. Register by clicking here