Texas Water Resources: Current and Projected

Robert Mace, Meadows Center for Water & the Environment, Texas State Univ. will present the third presentation win the series of presentations on Climate Change and the Implications for the Fayette Prairie Ecosystem The Zoom link will be the same for all these presentations: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5579994496? pwd=eGFEYmc2Z0R2bGw2TjlrTzYwT1V1UT09 Meeting ID: 557 999 449 Additional information on the... Read More →

Water Resilience and Climate Change on the Prairie: NPAT Zoom series

VMS: AT - NGO Workshops and Programs June 20, 2024  6 pm Robert Mace, Meadows Ctr for Water & Environment will present this in the series on Climate Change and the Implications for the Fayette Prairie Ecosystem The Zoom link will be the same for all these presentations: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5579994496?pwd=eGFEYmc2Z0R2bGw2TjlrTzYwT1V1UT09 Additional information on the series How... Read More →

Prescribed Fire During Droughts: NPAT Summer Zoom series

VMS: AT - NGO Workshops and Programs July 25, 2024 | 6 p.m. How will climate change impact Texas and the native prairie and savanna ecosystems? How do we plan restorations to be sustainable in 2050? Do we need to change our land management practices? William Rogers, Dept. of Ecology & Conservation Biology, Texas A&M... Read More →

All Things Water: Xeriscaping with Native Plants

Join Texas A&M AgriLife Extension for this Water Wednesdays webinar to learn more about Xeriscaping with native plants from Deedy Wright, member of the Native Plant Society of Texas.

Impact of Climate Change Upon Native Tallgrass Prairies

Brian Wilsey Dept. of Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology, Iowa State Univ. will present the 5th presentation win the series of presentations on Climate Change and the Implications for the Fayette Prairie Ecosystem The Zoom link will be the same for all these presentations: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5579994496? pwd=eGFEYmc2Z0R2bGw2TjlrTzYwT1V1UT09 Meeting ID: 557 999 449 Additional information on the... Read More →