Schubert House Pollinator Project Workday

Schubert House 173 E. Hempstead Street, Giddings, Texas

VMS opportunity: Schubert House Pollinator Project Calling all Schubert House - Giddings Pollinator Garden Volunteers!  It desperately needs our TMN-GLC   TLC!  It’s been toooooo long!! Workday is Friday, September 20 at 8:00.  Co-Chair Cindy Hobbs and I are praying for Good Weather (aka not too hot) for it! We’ll be clearing weeds, pruning shrubs and cleaning things up. ... Read More →

Schubert House Pollinator Project workday

Schubert House 173 E. Hempstead Street, Giddings, Texas

VMN opportunity: Schubert House Pollinator Project Calling all Schubert House - Giddings Pollinator Garden Volunteers!  It desperately needs our TMN-GLC Spring Cleaning TLC!  Workday is this Friday, February 28, at 9:30.  Sorry for the short notice, but Co-Chair Cindy Hobbs and I wanted to make sure the weather will cooperate.  It will be pretty cool, so we’ll start... Read More →

Schubert House Pollinator Project workday

Schubert House 173 E. Hempstead Street, Giddings, Texas

VMN opportunity: Schubert House Pollinator Project We will have a workday on Friday, May 8 at 8:30 a.m.  We will make sure we work using COVID-19 safety protocol!  Please email me if you will be there (we should limit the number to 8). Please call Karen Woods (281.682.2810) and/or Cindy Hobbs (979.338.9374) if you have... Read More →

Schubert House Pollinator Garden

Schubert House 173 E. Hempstead Street, Giddings, Texas

VMS opportunity- Schubert House Pollinator Garden Clean up after the freeze. The Schubert House Pollinator Garden did not fair well, at all.  Most notably, the two pomegranate trees are gone (one has sprouted at the root base, however).  I was finally able to get some chain saw action to get them down this past Sunday,... Read More →

Schubert House Pollinator Project workday

Schubert House 173 E. Hempstead Street, Giddings, Texas

VMS opportunity: Schubert House Pollinator Project Our Schubert House Pollinator Garden project in Giddings is in much need of our TLC!  Our milkweed is thriving (this is its 4th year, I believe), but so are weeds (very tall dandelions!).  With the recent rains, pulling and clearing the unwanted plants should be a breeze. We will have... Read More →