Many of the events at Lake Pat Cleburne will count as Advanced Training:
Lake Pat Cleburne – International Observe the Moon Night 2013
ASTRONOMY is the focus of this living history museum event on the shores of Lake Pat Cleburne. There will be six astronomers from the Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts and Sciences (www.3rf.org) with their 18″ telescopes and other equipment, including binocular chairs, from 2 pm until midnight on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th. One FREE BEGINNING ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY CLASS will be held in the lake-side pavilion from 4:30 to 6:30 pm (bring your camera). Solar scopes and corona-graphs for viewing sun flares and sun spots, etc. will be on hand from 2 pm until sunset.
Meanwhile, the Chisholm Trail Outdoor Museum docents, (http://www.jcchisholmtrail.com/) in period costume, will provide education and entertainment for all ages from 2 pm until midnight. Cowboys and horses, cowboy campfire and period music, town settlers and town officials, working blacksmith shop, livestock, free hay rides, Indian fry bread, free vintage black and white cowboy movies (outdoors), pioneer school, and more…
Adjacent to the museum is Chisholm Town (www.theinnatchisholmtrail.com), a small western village and B&B, newly owned and operated by Belle Silva and designed by Billy Cate. Food (featuring the Blue Moon burger) and cold drinks will be available in the saloon, and tours freely given.
Terry’s Texas Rangers, a Civil War re-enactment group, (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Terrys-Texas-Rangers-Co-I/123518691009065) will fire a cannon and rifle salute over the lake at moon rise, and the soldiers will join us for the rest of the evening.
NO PETS PLEASE. Bring your blankets or chairs, insect repellent and flashlights. Feel free to picnic. Museum restroom facilities are available.
Contact: Carrie McLaughlin, Event Coordinator/Texas Master Naturalist,carrie.mclaughlin58@gmail.com