As many as 200 (our maximum capacity) bluebird enthusisasts will gather for a fun-filled and educational experience. Look at the flier and website for our 2017 Bluebird Season Kickoff and FUNdraising Auction, which takes place March 25th, 9:00 – 3:00, at Waco Convention Center. The night-before dinner takes place at Vitek’s Beer Garden.
Back by popular request is Linda Crum (and, we have an alternate presentation for those who do not want to hear Linda’s presentation on House Sparrow Control.)
Texas Bluebird Society’s new vice-president, Lonnie Castleman, will demonstrate the TBS downloadable presentation,
Register now! Registrations received on or before January 25th, EXTRA Early Birds, earn 10 door prize chances.
We will offer a FREE Nestbox to TBS members in attendance who pledge to “NestWatch” at least two nestboxes (submit observations to Cornell Lab of Ornithology through in 2017.
Bluebirds Across Texas…one nestbox at a time,
Pauline Tom, President
512 268 5678, home
512 517 5678, cell