By Lori Franz
I recorded 6.98 on my CoCoRaHS rain gauge for October 2018. Guess that’s no surprise with October being one of our wettest months of the year. Many locations had much more, it’s true, with incredible effects from Mother Nature. I was really astonished on the variety and abundance of mushrooms that poked their caps above ground for all to see.
Mycology, the study of fungi is quite interesting, yet one with which I have little to no experience. We all know that fungi are fundamental for life on earth in their symbiotic role, but I am intrigued most by the beauty and value of the mushroom.
For centuries, the mushroom has been used in religious and psychedelic movements (think psilocybin, and “Magic” Mushrooms). But current research focuses on mushrooms that may have hypoglycemic, anti-cancer, antipathogenic, and immune system-enhancing benefits. Scientists are looking for a way of incorporating fungi to aid in the production of fresh food in space and the degradation of biological waste, without compromising the necessary sterile environment of a space capsule.
It goes without saying that touching or ingesting unidentified mushrooms has its risks, but the culinary use of a trusted variety is rich in trace minerals, low in calories, fat and cholesterol free, not to mention very tasty. The Oyster mushroom is one of the most cultivated edible mushrooms. I have several friends who harvest all edibles but I’m still looking for the expert in the field to confirm my findings before I put one on my plate.
Disclaimer: Although I have several sources on mushrooms, the identifications with each mushroom picture here are likely right but need further examination to be sure.
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