–https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wildscapes-workshop-and-native-plant-sale-2022-registration-341938185317?aff=ebdssbdestsearch. Cost $25.00-$50.00. 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT Houston Community College, West Loop Campus, 5601 W. Loop S., Houston, TX 77081
Dan Worrall (Harris County Historical Commission)–The Use of Houston-area Natural Landscapes by Native Americans
Anita Schiller (Pct. 4 Biological Control Initiative)–Demystifying Mosquitoes: Houston’s (and Humanity’s) Most Dangerous Animal Foe
Mary Pearl Meuth (Texas Master Naturalists)–The Role of Small Acreage and Backyard Wildscapes in Changing Ecosystems
Diana Foss (TX Parks and Wildlife Dept.)–2022 Wildscapes Plant Sale
Jaime González–Emcee–