The Washington Invasive Species Council and Washington State University are pleased to invite you to their upcoming free Invasive Ant Surveillance and Identification Virtual Workshop, funded by USDA APHIS PPQ! This event will take place on March 11, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Pacific Time. The agenda includes an exciting lineup of nationwide speakers, including experts from Hawaii, Texas, Florida, and Washington. Join us to learn more about different invasive ants, identification, and especially their wide range of impacts. Horizon scanning and understanding the threat is key to early detection. An emphasis on making a quality report will conclude the workshop to encourage our first detectors to promptly report any sightings. Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of ant biology, what’s at risk, and key invasive ant species of concern. Pesticide recertification credits from the Washington Department of Agriculture have been requested.
To view the agenda and register:
This workshop is open to anyone- professionals, volunteers, the public! Please share, and we hope to see you there!
Maria Marlin (She/Her)
Community Outreach and Environmental Education Specialist | Washington Invasive Species Council
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office
(360) 472-5552 | | Washington Relay, Dial 711 | Facebook | Instagram