Texas Waters Specialist: Giant Salvinia


Free 2025 Webinar Series for the Texas Waters Specialist program. Through this program, we develop a corps of Creek well-informed volunteer specialists who provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of aquatic resources and aquatic habitats within their communities for the state of Texas.To view certification requirements and annual volunteer hours needed to obtain and maintain specialization... Read More →

Wildlife Diversity Series-Alligator Snapping Turtle


Wildlife Diversity Webinar Series - Repatriation and post-release monitoring of confiscated Alligator Snapping TurtlesJoin TPWD’s Wildlife Diversity webinar series for this month’s topic featuring repatriation and post-release monitoring of alligator snapping turtles.Webinars are usually the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12 noon to 1PM.To register visit webpage here.

Monarch Conservation Webinar Series


Link to Webinar Series: https://monarchjointventure.org/events/monarch-conservation-webinar-series?blm_aid=4131431Each webinar is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm.March 25: Grasslands Ecology 101: Disturbance Ecology, presented by Monarch Joint Venture Habitat Program StaffPlease use the following AT code:AT: Single Presentation: (Monarch Joint Venture: Grassland Ecology 101: Disturbance Ecology)

Monarch Conservation Webinar Series


Link to Webinar Series: https://monarchjointventure.org/events/monarch-conservation-webinar-series?blm_aid=4131431Each webinar is scheduled to begin at 1:00pm.April 22: Getting Youth Involved with Monarchs, presented by Susan Meyers, Monarchs Across Georgia Committee of the Environmental Education Alliance, and Alejandra Vieyra, Jessica Hernández Jerónimo, and Tatiana Sánchez Rodríguez, PapalomehPlease use the following AT code:AT: Single Presentation: