The following observations are from Pam Klouda /PWLCTMN as part of her participation in the Adopt-a-Loop program.

This is Pam Klouda! I am covering the Lake Livingston State Park (LLSP) as part of the Adopt-A-Loop program! I have had “cabin fever” due to our torrential rains and when it let up, I had to get outside for a while! On Monday, 1/29/2024, I headed to LLSP!!
Here are my observations:
Obviously, after the previous weeks heavy rains the trails were either underwater or potential mud pits! I chose to hike the Pineywoods Nature Trail as it is a boardwalk. While that really sounds good, and compared to the muddy trails it was, there was a layer of slime on the boards which was extremely slick in certain areas. Caution should be used! The boardwalk trail was in good shape with the exception of three boards broken towards the edge by a pine tree that was felled. Maintenance is ongoing on the boardwalk.
Between last summers drought and the pine bores, the park has cut down lots of pine trees (which were dead) and they are scattered throughout the woods in tangled piles. It is sickening to see and even worse to imagine the number of pine trees lost! There are more dead pines to be cut, adding to the unbearable number of trees felled.
The majority of the hardwood trees were leafless and waiting for spring! Of course, the yaupons and palmettos continue to thrive in the understory of the trees.
While hiking the trail, I did not observe any birds, but I did record (with Merlin) the following birds: Carolina wren, white throated sparrow, pine warbler and the Carolina chickadee. I did observe seagulls from the observation platform with a couple of coots mixed in! I also observed several crows cleaning the picnic area clean of any and all food scraps! Several squirrels appeared to be doing their part in keeping the picnic areas clean!
The lack of birds, insects and mammals was disappointing on the trail, but it is winter in Texas!
I have entered my observations in iNaturalist under the Adopt-A-Loop project.
“Wilderness is not a luxury, but a necessity of the human spirit.” –Edward Abbey
The Adopt-a-Loop program is part of the Great Texas Wildlife Trails
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