• Calendar Entry Request form. (Link opens in new page.)
  • Link to the above form to request an event or opportunity to be posted on the calendar.
  • Please submit your event at least 2 weeks in advance of the event date and allow at least 48 hours for new events to appear on the calendar once they’ve been submitted.
  • Chapter members: Check the state TMN website for other training and volunteer opportunities offered through the state office or other chapters.


ANC Work Day

Acton Nature Center 6900 Smoky Hill Ct., Granbury, TX

Routine maintenance and improvements with emphasis on the butterfly garden. Contact Dave Moore with questions. This is a chapter volunteer opportunity.

Nature in the Hood – Water Use & Conservation

Hood County Annex 1410 W. Pearl St., Granbury, TX

The Rio Brazos Chapter is putting on their last "Nature in the Hood" class -- Water Use and Conservation. While our speakers are coming from the Hood County area, anyone... Read More →

Rocks Alive!

Acton Nature Center 6900 Smoky Hill Ct., Granbury, TX

Rocks Alive! A free, outdoor, come-and-go event for all ages at Acton Nature Center, Sept. 28, 10am-2pm. What’s in a rock that sustains life? And soil – why do we need... Read More →

Tuesdays on the Trail at Malone Preserve

Vivian J. Malone Preserve 1501 County Rd 1109B, Rio Vista, TX

Join Texas Land Conservancy (TLC) every other Tuesday evening until October 15 at Malone Preserve in Rio Vista to do some light work on the trails– remove debris, and trim... Read More →