In 1997, AAMN Class #2 developed a Wildscape Demonstration Garden on the west bank of the San Antonio River just north of Cesar Chavez Blvd. The garden flourished and was lovingly cared for by our chapter until May of 2017 when the property was sold by the San Antonio River Authority. With funding from the sale of the property, the San Antonio River Authority is helping the AAMN Chapter re-establish another Wildscape Demonstration Garden to again attract and protect pollinators, songbirds, and other small vertebrates.
The New Native Plant Wildscape Demonstration Garden is located in Phil Hardberger Park – West, near the Urban Ecology Center and adjacent to the Savannah Restoration area. The new garden, like the former River Garden location, is free to the public. The Wildscape Demonstration Garden is a “teaching garden” where we will showcase plantings that represent the beauty and capabilities of our native Texas landscape.
This garden is dedicated to the theme of Renewal
If we plant the shrubs, the trees, and vines that are native to our area, we will bring back those indigenous birds, pollinators, and mammals which are in jeopardy of being lost. And in choosing to do that, we will renew the land and its inhabitants; and in renewing nature— we renew our spirit.
Water, essential to all plants, people, and animals, is an element that we need to conserve so we may extend the renewal of nature to future generations. For Nature is Hope made visible, and it is our desire that in nurturing nature, we may extend nature’s cycle of life to this garden and to yours.
Things You Will Find In This Garden:
Low Water Use Plants >>>
Agarita, Milkweed, Sumac, Ashe Juniper, Autumn Sage, Cedar Elm, Cenizo, Mexican Mint Marigold, Inland Sea Oats, Coral Honeysuckle, Crossvine, Pink Skullcap, Texas Betony, Red Yucca, Sotol
Interest In Every Season>>>
Spring: Crossvine, Agarita, Sumac, Eve’s Necklace
Summer: Blackfoot Daisy, Frogfruit, Gregg’s Mistflower
Fall: Copper Canyon Daisy, Gregg’s Mistflower
Winter: Lindheimer Muhly, Mealy Blue Sage, Prairie Verbena, Yaupon Holly

Plants for Songbirds and Pollinators>>>
Sumac, Desert Willow, Eve’s Necklace, Hop Tree/Wafer Ash, Texas Mountain Laurel, Mexican Buckeye, Texas Persimmon, Turk’s Cap, Milkweed
Examples of Recycle/Reuse>>>
We collected cardboard boxes, paper, and newspaper that were slated for the landfill and reused them as a weed barrier prior to laying mulch. Fallen tree limbs, trimmings from trees and bushes were shredded and recycled as mulch.
The AAMN Native Plant Wildscape Demonstration Garden was made possible by a generous donation from the San Antonio River Authority.
Our appreciation goes out to the City of San Antonio Parks & Recreation Department for their donation of the land, many of the plants, and assistance during the construction; the Phil Hardberger Park Conservancy for their championship of the project through all phases; and to Texas Parks and Wildlife, our sponsor of many years who shared their talents and insights to make this a public first for San Antonio.
Garden Design by Blue Heron Designs, Inc. a creative residential and commercial landscape design/build firm.
We encourage you to come out anytime to visit, learn, and wander our beautiful garden!
Demonstration Garden Map and Plant Identification:
- Demonstration Garden Map with perennial plant identifications
- Annual plants found in the Demonstration Garden
Volunteer Opportunities:

General gardening weeding, cutting back, occasional watering, planting, and mulching
- Bring your own tools.
- You will have the chance to learn about many of the native plants and wildflowers that help to support our wildlife.
- The garden began in 1997 as a class project for AAMN Class #2. The original property was donated on the San Antonio River Walk and we worked there for twenty-one years until the property was sold by the San Antonio River Authority.
- The garden moved to the Phil Hardberger Park location in 2018. This is “our” garden: maintained by our chapter members. We have twenty-four years of history and support by chapter members like you! Join us!
Location: Phil Hardberger Park West, near the Urban Ecology Center; 8400 North West Military Highway
Time: We meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday. November March we meet at 12:00pm; April through October we meet at 8:30 am. Other times and dates are scheduled as necessary.
Read more here: https://txmn.org/alamo/about-us/wildscape-demonstration-garden/
Contact: Evelyn Penrod
email: epenrod58@gmail.com
cell: 210-602-4065