2025 Volunteer Training – Class Schedule
Our next training class will be held in the Spring of 2026. We will have information about the Application period posted here in November, 2025.
You may register to be put on an email list to receive information about the next Alamo Area Chapter initial training class as it becomes available HERE.
General Class Information
Applicants must be age 18 or older.
The training fee of $200 will pay for the Texas Master Naturalist Curriculum, a name badge, a chapter t-shirt, supplies and membership dues for the initial year. NOTE: A limited number of partial scholarships will be available.
Application to the Texas Master Naturalist, Alamo Area Chapter (AAMN) is open to all individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of socioeconomic level, race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age (18 or older), or disability.
AAMN utilizes the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Volunteer Management System (VMS) online reporting tool to record volunteer service hours. Use of this reporting system is mandatory for all Texas Master Naturalists. We also utilize e-mail, Google Group and other online tools to communicate and collaborate with students. All online tools are internet-based and can be accessed from any computer or tablet. All students accepted into the program must learn and use VMS and all communication and collaboration tools we utilize. We will provide training on the use of these computer applications during class.
Background Checks and Waivers: All AAMN training applicants must agree to a photo and liability waiver, in addition to a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department background check. A link to the required background check form will be sent after class acceptance. A driver’s license is required to complete the online form. There is no cost to you for the background check. This TPWD background check is mandatory of all Texas Master Naturalists, new and current, regardless of previous or other current background checks. After the initial TPWD background check, background check updates are required every 3 years.
Ethics and Standards of Conduct: Please review and ensure that you understand and can pledge to abide by the Texas Master Naturalist Ethics and Standards of Conduct.
Open Carry of Firearms: Texas Master Naturalists shall not openly carry firearms while volunteering, in accordance with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department policy concerning open carry of firearms.
Chapter Dues: The Alamo Area chapter collects $12 annual membership dues from each of its members. These are due by January 1 of each year.