The Prairie Percher birding team of Seabourne Creek Nature Park participated in their annual “Big Sit” on Friday, April 22. There are several categories of competition within the Texas Park and Wildlife’s Great Texas Birding Classic, but the Perchers always go for the “Big Sit” which makes for a fun, relaxing day of birding. Great care was taken by Big Sit Coordinators Margo & Bill Johnson to choose the area within the park that would offer the best chance of seeing the most number of birds. Once the site was chosen, then a 50-foot diameter circle was drawn and bird sightings had to be made within that circle to count towards the total number. While over 225 species of birds have been recorded in the park to date, this year the Perchers saw over 50 species of birds during the Big Sit including such beauties as the blue grosbeak, indigo bunting and crested caracara.
All sightings can be viewed in the eBird checklist available here: eBird Checklist April 22, 2022.