Texas Parks and Wildlife defines crepuscular as an organism active at twilight or dawn. Crepuscular is a Latin noun. Of what value is being active at twilight?
Animals living in hot, dry areas of Texas may benefit by hunting when it cools down. The hot, bright, sun of a summer noon may not be an advantage to an animal.
There are many animals living in hot, dry areas of Texas. An armadillo, the Texas state animal, is just one example. An armadillo is a mammal. A mammal, among other things, gives birth to live young.
An armadillo is crepuscular. It is active at twilight, and hunts for food when it cools down. Armadillos are omnivores which means they will eat anything. Their natural diet includes grubs, worms and ants. They will also eat cockroaches, beetles, and even snails. They will eat various fruits and lettuce, if provided. Armadillo presence is obvious and some people do not like the disturbed soil armadillos leave digging for their food.
Texas Parks and Wildlife defines an armadillo as Dasypus novemcinctus. It uses its hard outer covering as protection from other animals wanting to eat them.
Another crepuscular animal found in Texas is a skunk. Skunks, Mephitis mephitis, also mammals, are very active at twilight, hunting. They too are omnivores and eat anything humans consider pests or yucky.
As you may know, if you annoy a skunk it raises its tail and squirts a bad-smelling clingy odor, discouraging curious or predatory animals.
So: why do you think some animals present at twilight?