Hybrid – In Person (Nacogdoches, TX) – OR Virtual (Streaming Online Events TBD). Fees – TBD
The NPSOT 2023 Fall Symposium is coming to Nacogdoches, Texas! This year’s event will take place at the historic Fredonia Hotel and Convention Center and will focus on conserving plants native to the Pineywoods Ecoregion of East Texas.
The Fredonia Hotel and Convention Center will serve as the symposium headquarters with NPSOT group-rate lodging available. The event schedule includes a reception on Thursday evening, followed by a kickoff plenary session with Matt Buckingham on Friday morning that will segue into a day of field trips around the region. Speakers and panel sessions will be held throughout the day on Saturday, and an awards banquet on Saturday night. Participants can participate in our silent auction and see vendor and exhibitor displays at the hotel. In addition, we are preparing a list of suggested self-guided field trips for those traveling on Thursday and Sunday. This event has been planned by the NPSOT 2023 Fall Symposium Committee.
The Pineywoods of Texas is the easternmost ecoregion found in Texas. It is bordered on the east by Louisiana, to the west by the Post Oak Savanna, and to the south by the Gulf Prairies. Maximum elevation reaches 500 feet and soils are mostly sandy and acidic. Average rainfall can be more than 50 inches per year. The region is dominated by pine forests that were historically populated with longleaf, shortleaf and loblolly pine. Fire is a key component in the landscape, creating botanically diverse, forested grasslands dominated by little bluestem grass. The topography is generally rolling hills; hardwood bottomlands, and lowlands that include swamps, bogs, and marshes.
Blueberries (Vaccinium species) grow wild, as do native Rhododendron species and both species of pawpaw (Asimina). Here you will find orchids, pitcher plants, and numerous rare plants, such as Gaillardia aestivalis var. winklerii, Hibiscus dasycalyx, Yucca cernua and Trillium texanum. Plants of note on some of the tours include Sarracenia alata, Hamamelis ovalis, Gentiana saponaria, and Spiranthes odorata.
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