Virtual – Register for webex Link
Description: Land stewardship has become a popular phrase over the past 20 years but what does it really mean? Here we will learn that land stewardship is not just a list of good land management practices but rather it is the inner attitude about land and the relationship that is formed between people and the land.
Note: A manuscript has been approved by TAMU Press under the title of “Lessons from Leopold”. Land stewardship will be the major theme. It is still early in the editing process and is expected to be completed in fall of 2025. It was written for a broad audience including landowners, Master Naturalists, students, and everyone in between who has a love of the land.
On the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm Central Standard Time, the TMN State Office will offer an hour-long virtual advanced training event – with fantastic new and returning guest speakers.
The webinar is free and open to the public!
Registration is open now – Click HERE to register
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