Virtual – Register for webex Link
For this month’s #TMNTuesday, we are being joined by L. Allen Smith, the Regional Forest Health Coordinator with the Texas A&M Forest Service, to learn more about healthy forests. Allen will be presenting a webinar titled “Healthy Forests — Better Living Through Management”
Allen Smith serves as the Regional Forest Health Coordinator and Entomologist for the Texas A&M Forest Service. He has served the citizens of Texas for 22 years. His duties include: supervising various insect trapping programs, providing training on forest insects and diseases and their management, administering the Southern Pine Beetle Prevention Program cost-share program, providing landowner assistance and public information and outreach. Allen also serves as a Geographic Information Systems Specialist in emergency response situations. He is the lead GISS for both the Lone Star State Incident Management Team and the federal Southern Area Blue Team. He received his B.S. degrees in Environmental Science and Forestry and his Masters of Science in Forest Entomology from Stephen F. Austin State University. An avid duck hunter and insect collector, Allen lives in Longview, Texas with his wife, Kerri and son, Drew
On the second Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm Central Standard Time, the TMN State Office will offer an hour-long virtual advanced training event – with fantastic new and returning guest speakers.
The webinar is free and open to the public!
Registration is open now – Click HERE to register
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