Virtual webinar, 12pm – 1pm. Pre-Registration required.
Texas Master Naturalists – TMNTuesdays 2024 webinar series will be hosted on the the second Tuesday of each month (except March, occurs on first Tuesday) through the year. TMNTuesdays are a way to learn about top conservation issues of the state, earn advanced training hours, and interact with wildlife professionals from across the state!
Title: Volunteer Safety in the Field
Date: June 11, 2024 at 12pm
Speaker: Kathy Granillo, Refuge Manager – Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, USFWS
Description: Being outdoors and conducting fieldwork can be a wonderful, satisfying experience. But only if everyone stays safe. What does that mean? And how can we best accomplish a safe outdoor experience? This presentation and discussion will answer those questions and will be relevant for all experience levels. We will discuss both physical and social safety, resources to help keep us safe, and more. Bring your experiences and questions as we delve into outdoor safety for all.
Register for TMNTuesdays webinars here.
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