We are having a Seabourne Appreciation Day Pizza Party for all chapter members on January 10 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm at the Rosenberg Civic Center. All members and interns are invited to attend. Jerry Trenta, our Seabourne Project Manager, will present a PowerPoint highlighting some of our past projects and volunteer work at Seabourne Creek Nature Park as well as upcoming plans for 2023 and beyond. Jerry’s flipcards are going to be given away as doorprizes.
We’d also like to get your own ideas for Seabourne for 2023, which promises to be another exciting year. There are many current and new volunteer opportunities available for education, outreach and service, the core values in the TMN program. Volunteers can be a part of a team/group or work on individual ‘once and done’ projects.
To sign up for this go to the SignUp Genius on the Seabourne Channel on Slack.