The date is set! In addition to the Bioblitz event, join Eric Duran and fellow TMN’s Gulf Coast for an special evening in Russ Pittman Park (RPP) of Blacklighting the Pollinators (aka mothing) on Thursday, 10/20/2022, 8:00 PM.
You’re invited to Russ Pittman Park (RPP) to help assess the diversity of the park – flowering plants, insects, birds, trees, or butterflies. At RPP, they wish to know what species are seen, so they can add them to the master list.
Contact: Eric Duran, Head Naturalist Nature Discovery Center, 713-667-6550,
[VSP hours to be recorded in VMS under: “iNaturalist, eBird and Other Citizen Science: TMN Report Hours”] Please note “BioBlitz” in the description, record the full time in the field, plus travel time!”
TMN COVID-19 Precautions: “For any indoor or outdoor activities that do occur in-person, masks and social distancing considerations are encouraged.”
Fort Bend County COVID-19 Green Advisement: “Resume normal contact with others unless sick. Resume attending public and private gatherings freely. Resume visiting vulnerable populations while practicing good hygiene and social distancing.” The Green risk description follows: “Minimum and controlled level of COVID-19 in Fort Bend County. New chains of transmission are rare.”