We are planning a field day at Seabourne for Girl Scout Troop 157157 during the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge. We will all meet at the parking lot under the information kiosk. Thirteen Girl Scouts and their parents will be in attendance. First we’ll give them all a quick lesson on how to use the iNaturalist app on their smartphones. The parents will have already downloaded the app and created accounts in advance. Then we’ll go out to each area of the park, give a tour and then help the scouts to make their observations on iNaturalist for the City Nature Challenge. Of course, TMNCPC members can also make their own observations as we go along.
Troop 157157 will also be working on their citizen scientist journey and take-action project. The final citizen science journey requirement they’ve picked is to visit a location (e.g. park) and submit photographs of nature (birds, plants, animals) to iNaturalist. Joining in the City Nature Challenge will take their citizen science journey to the next level!
We have created a special project on iNaturalist where we record the flora and fauna observations from Seabourne. Their visit will help us to expand this list thereby helping to fill out the bio inventory of Seabourne.
Here is the link to this bio-inventory: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/seabourne-plants-and-wildlife
Keep an eye out for a SignUp Genius that will be emailed to all members. We will need someone to explain the app, roam the park with the scouts and help them to make their observations on iNaturalist, plus a photographer.