TMNCPC President Terri Hurley needs one volunteer to join her at the Cullinan Picnic for the Park and help her staff the Bat Wow on Friday, Oct 20 from about 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. You will be at the at Sweetwater Country Club, but you will not be involved in the fundraising at all, so this is approved for VSP hours. Contact Terri Hurley by Slack DM if you are interested!
You will also get to join in the picnic and watch the presentation by Cullen Geiselman Muse PhD, a conservationist, philanthropist, and bat researcher. She is dedicated to conserving species and the habitats they need to thrive and to preserving and expanding green space for the benefit of people and nature.
[VSP hours to be recorded in VMS under: “Community Presentations: TMN Report Hours”]