Photo by Paula Dittrick
This month we’ll focus on searching for insects in the order Odonata – dragonflies and damselflies. The timing is perfect as it’s also when the Odolympics are taking place – August 19-27. During this annual event Odonata enthusiasts try to find and record as many species as possible in iNaturalist. Having fun while contributing to citizen science – we’re in!
Bring your binoculars and cameras to find and record what we see. Have the iNaturalist app downloaded on your phone for easy recording. Our AgriLife agent John Few will help lead the Odo-hunt!
Who: Texas Master Naturalist Coastal Prairie Chapter (TMNCPC) Members only
What: Monthly Insect Hike
Where: Seabourne Creek Nature Park – meet in the main parking to start. We’ll move around the park trying to find and record as much as we can.
When: Thursday August 24, 8:00-10:00am
Why: That’s what TMNs do!
Log in VMS under AT: Skills Enhancement Courses