Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature at Seabourne Nature Park’s first-ever Nature Day! Discover the magic of our breathtaking Butterfly Garden, where vibrant colors and delicate wings create an unforgettable experience. There will be fun for the whole family! A few of the activities planned include face painting and henna hand art; butterfly origami and scavenger hunts. You will also have an opportunity to hear 20-30 minute presentations by Master Naturalists (Speaker Schedule is below). Native wildflower seeds will also be given away to attendees.Speaker Schedule:
10:15am “Creating an Irresistible Habitat for Pipevine Swallowtail Butterflies” by Jamie Fairchild
11:15am “Harnessing the Power of Native Plants: Drawing Pollinators to Your Landscape” by Shannon Westveer
12:15pm “Native Bees vs Honey Bees and Building Artificial Habitats for Beneficial Insects” by Barry Thompson
1:15pm “Monarch Migration and Milkweeds – an Ancient Marriage” by Dr. Dianne Russell
Be there! Saturday, 9/23/2023, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Find SignUp Genius on Slack
[VSP hours to be recorded in VMS under: “Seabourne Nature Days: TMN Report Hours”]