Virtual course on Monday evenings in February. Birding for Fun offers a variety of 1 hour birding classes that can be purchased individually or as a series. Register now to join Kristine Rivers with Birding for Fun for her next series of Beginner Birding Virtual Classes! Classes will be held via Zoom on Mondays at... Read More →
Virtual 8 hour course, fee $30. This is a virtual short course of four 2-hour classes on Tuesday mornings in February, each class from 10a-12pm CST. This virtual class is a short dive into the huge world of entomology. Through a four class series- each 2 hours long- participants can learn about the basics of... Read More →
In-Person, weather permitting. Dress comfortably with good closed toe shoes, jacket, hat, and bring a camera! These plant hikes are open to the public of all ages. Each plant walk is entirely outdoors on flat terrain. Stay weather aware and dress for current weather conditions. Bring water bottle, sunscreen or bug spray as needed. Susie... Read More →
In person workshop to be held February 8th 9a-12pm at Only One Sky Farm, Banik Prairie. Program details coming soon with registration information and RSVP on website link below. To register for this event visit webpage here. Log in VMS under AT: Native Prairie Assoc. NPAT, HNPAT