1. View Wayne Poorman’s SCNP photos at the following links to Google Photos:
- SCNP Bird Hike on March 2, 1017 photos by Wayne Poorman
- SCNP Project 2009-2010 photos by Wayne Poorman
- SCNP Project 2011-2015 photos by Wayne Poorman
- Prescribed Burn at SCNP on February 18, 2015 photos by Wayne Poorman
- See more of Wayne’s photos under “Members’ Photos”
2. View Diane Russell’s SCNP videos at the following links to YouTube:
- SCNP Prescribed Burn on February 13, 2013 video by Diane Russell
- SCNP Wetlands Project on March 13,2013 video by Diane Russell
- More of Diane’s videos under “Members’ Photos”
3. View John Chitty’s SCNP photos at the following link to Flickr:
- Seabourne Creek Nature Park photos by John Chitty
4. Prairie Heritage 2013 Photos:
- by Jessica Jubin can be found at: https://plus.google.com/photos/105291051099888535306/albums/5941777817477343553?authkey=CJyW0ZKOpOXCFQ
- by Carol Pawelek can be found at: https://picasaweb.google.com/100339076626014394198/PrairieHeritageFestival2013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCJ3c1eWitPzicg&feat=directlink#
Seabourne Creek Photo Gallery — Photographer Codes:
WP = Wayne Poorman, SBD = Susie Doe, DA = Dave Armstrong, KB = Karl Baumgartner, LT = Lynn Trenta, CP = Carol Pawelek
- Red-bellied Woodpecker 3-6-13-WP
- Hawk at SCNP 2013-WP
- Naturalists at Wetlands before project-KB
- Creating the Wetlands 3-13-13-KB
- Wetlands Trial Area-LT
- Naturalists at Wetlands Project-LT
- Cynthia At the Prairie Burn
- The Burn 2-13-13-WP
- The Burn Begins-WP
- David Lobpries and Naturalists after the Burn-WP
- After the Burn-WP
- A Cotton Rat saved from the fire-WP
- Boy Scouts at Tree Planting 2-9-13-WP
- Lunch -WP
- Hot Dogs for Boy Scouts at Tree Planting-WP
- Scout Tree Planting 2013 -WP
- Rick & Johnny at Bird Sanctuary-WP
- Bill/ Scout/ Dad-Bird Sanctuary-WP
- Plant Rescue Group at the water-CP