The Prairie Demo Garden is located in Seabourne Creek Nature Park near the Prairie Restoration project. The garden shows visitors how prairie and native plants can be used in a garden and also how they support wildlife, such as butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.

Signage throughout the garden provides information about the native plants and the wildlife they support and informational pamphlets are there for visitors to take home. We provide shelter, water, space and food for wildlife with native plants, water features and habitat spaces. Some of the plots in the garden are “Natural Prairies” and show what a native prairie might look like, as well as identifying prairie plants that you will find out in our prairie restoration. Other beds in the garden illustrate pollinator plants, a native plant garden, a little bluestem plot, a butterfly garden, a bee garden, a bird garden and a hummingbird garden. The garden is always a “work in progress” and is maintained by the Coastal Prairie Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalists.
Information on Native Plant Demo Garden Habitats:
- Bee box
- Bee garden
- Bird habitat
- Butterfly garden
- Easy natives
- Grass garden
- Hummingbird garden
- Pocket prairie
- Pollinator habitat
- Rain garden
Click here to view a colorful pamphlet that highlights the habitat plots of the beautiful Prairie Demo Garden.

Stop by and visit the Prairie Demo garden on any Wednesday morning or the first and third Saturdays of the month. You will usually find our chapter members working in the garden, planting, trimming and studying the insects and wildlife the garden supports. You can also have a picnic under the large pergola as you view the garden. Our volunteers will be happy to show you around and tell you about the native plants we have growing there!
Grow your own Prairie Plants from Seed!
For a guide on how to grow prairie plants from seed, go to: Coastal Prairie Plant Grower’s Handbook.