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Landowner Workshop and Prairie Tour – AT

Leo Ranch Unit 5190 County Road 398, Decatur, TX, United States

Join NPAT for an informative workshop on Friday, October 27th at the Dixon Water Foundation’s Josey Pavilion!  The workshop will feature expert talks on assistance programs for prairie restoration and habitat management, holistic grazing, and how to work with land trusts can help conserve prairies.  The day will conclude with a tour of the Dixon... Read More →

Event Series Fall DISD School Days at Clear Creek

Fall DISD School Days at Clear Creek

Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center 3310 Collins Rd , Denton, TX, United States

DISD School Days at Clear Creek Please join us all day! or Hike just the morning (9:45-11:45) or Help in the afternoon (11:45-1:45) with stations at the center. Most weekdays, Monday through Friday (check the sign-up link for exact days) Signup to volunteer here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0D4FAAAD23A4F85-denton1

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Isle Du Bois Unit

Ray Roberts State Park - Isle du Bois Unit 100 PW 4137, Pilot Point, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Isle Du Bois Nature Center! Volunteers are needed Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-1pm and 1-4pm Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E44AEA728AAFEC34-isle VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Isle du Bois & Nature Center  

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Johnson Branch Unit

Ray Roberts Lake State Park - Johnson Branch Unit 100 PW 4153, Valley View, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Johnson Branch Unit Nature Center! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday each week are TNM volunteer opportunities. Shifts are 10-1 and 1-4. Please use the following link to sign up:  https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=s.signup&urlid=10c0e44aea728aafec34-johnson&view=calendar&mo=1669852800 VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Johnson Branch & Nature Center

Event Series Furneaux Creek Saturday Workday

Furneaux Creek Volunteer Day on the Trail

Friends of Furneaux Creek Nature Trail 4100 Arbor Creek Drive, Carrollton, TX, United States

Volunteer Day on the Trail at the Friends of Furneaux Creek Nature Trail Third, Fourth, and Fifth Saturdays of each month. Meet at the Kiosk on the trail at 4100 Arbor Creek Dr. - Look for the Monarch butterfly wing on the side! Help us maintain the trail and improve the natural beauty of it.... Read More →

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Isle Du Bois Unit

Ray Roberts State Park - Isle du Bois Unit 100 PW 4137, Pilot Point, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Isle Du Bois Nature Center! Volunteers are needed Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-1pm and 1-4pm Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E44AEA728AAFEC34-isle VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Isle du Bois & Nature Center  

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Johnson Branch Unit

Ray Roberts Lake State Park - Johnson Branch Unit 100 PW 4153, Valley View, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Johnson Branch Unit Nature Center! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday each week are TNM volunteer opportunities. Shifts are 10-1 and 1-4. Please use the following link to sign up:  https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=s.signup&urlid=10c0e44aea728aafec34-johnson&view=calendar&mo=1669852800 VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Johnson Branch & Nature Center

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Isle Du Bois Unit

Ray Roberts State Park - Isle du Bois Unit 100 PW 4137, Pilot Point, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Isle Du Bois Nature Center! Volunteers are needed Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-1pm and 1-4pm Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E44AEA728AAFEC34-isle VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Isle du Bois & Nature Center  

Ray Roberts Lake State Park – Johnson Branch Unit

Ray Roberts Lake State Park - Johnson Branch Unit 100 PW 4153, Valley View, TX, United States

Volunteer at the Ray Roberts Lake State Park Johnson Branch Unit Nature Center! Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday each week are TNM volunteer opportunities. Shifts are 10-1 and 1-4. Please use the following link to sign up:  https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=s.signup&urlid=10c0e44aea728aafec34-johnson&view=calendar&mo=1669852800 VMS Code:  P060212:PO:Ray Roberts Lake SP Johnson Branch & Nature Center