VMS Opportunity: Indian Creek Nature Area
Please note the next Indian Creek workday will be one week early at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, June 11th. We have a new load of mulch now and the beds need some weeding. A new watering system will be in place. Bring weeding implements, takes etc., drinks and gloves. Be sure to wear sun screen.

We have created and maintained for several years this beautifully wooded natural area that is located behind the Texas Cotton Gin Museum in Burton. There is a grassed picnic area and table, a bat box and a wooden bridge to a nature area along Indian Creek which sometimes runs with a small waterfall. Our volunteer activities include mulching and maintaining the two trail systems, mowing, controlling invasive ligustrum, introducing natives and looking after a terraced pollinator garden for the enjoyment of the community.
For more information contact Ann Ray at 512-924-9003. Texts are preferred over email. Please confirm date and time since a work session may be cancelled or rescheduled. Starting in 2019, the work days will generally be the 3rd Tuesday of the month. During summer, more frequent visits will be required for watering.