VMS opportunity: Schubert House Pollinator Project
Calling all Schubert House – Giddings Pollinator Garden Volunteers! It desperately needs our TMN-GLC TLC! It’s been toooooo long!!
Workday is Friday, September 20 at 8:00. Co-Chair Cindy Hobbs and I are praying for Good Weather (aka not too hot) for it!
We’ll be clearing weeds, pruning shrubs and cleaning things up. The mulch we spread in March is holding up nicely.
Wear layered clothing, sunscreen and head protection; bring gloves, trowels, shovels, lobbers, etc. And of course, bring your insect repellent of choice and water!
Please call Karen Woods (281.682.2810) or Cindy Hobbs (979.338.9374) if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to seeing you there!