Giddings ISD 4th grade field day

Giddings ISD Intermediate School 2337 N Main St,, Giddings, Texas

VMS opportunity: Educational Group Presentations Save the date. Planning is underway for our third Giddings ISD 4th grade on-campus field day. More details will be provided as planning is finalized.

Winedale Historic Complex workday

Winedale Historical Center 3738 FM2714, Round Top, TX, United States

VMS opportunity: Winedale project Join other chapter members to maintain the pollinator habitat in front of the visitor center. Our workdays are scheduled for the second Friday of each month (we will not schedule a workday in January 2024) from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Please bring gardening tools and prepare for the weather. For... Read More →

Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site workday

Washington on the Brazos State Historic Site 23400 Park Road 12, Washington, TX

VMS opportunity: Washington on the Brazos State Historic Site Join us for a workday in the GLC pollinator garden at Washington-on-the-Brazos Historic Site. We’ll be working on cleaning up, cutting back, and pulling out aggressive native and non-native plants. Bring gloves, hand clippers, and small trowel or other tool for digging up weeds, and don’t... Read More →

TMN Tuesday

VMS opportunity: AT: TMN Tuesday Check back for more information. Register by clicking here

Adopt a Highway

St. John Lutheran Church 5743 TX-159, La Grange, TX

VMS opportunity: Adopt a Highway Good News about our TXDOT Adopt-A-Highway Volunteer Opportunity  Our next Adopt A Highway volunteer cleanup will be Wednesday, May 15.  We will meet at 8:30 in the parking lot of St. John Lutheran Church located in Rutersville on Highway 159, and we will clean up the two miles of highway... Read More →