Great Plains Fire Summit is a two-day applied-prescribed fire conference dedicated to all types of land stewards. Join prescribed fire advocates from across the Great Plains in Canyon, Texas!
VMS opportunity: AT: TPWD wildlife and land management workshops and programs 2024 Texas Waters Webinars Tuesday, January 23 @ 6:30-7:30 PM CT - Gregg Eckhardt, Senior Analyst, with San Antonio Water System San Antonio Water: Sole Source to Diversity Register Wednesday, February 7 @ 6:30-7:30 PM CT - Kathleen B. Ligon, Associate Executive Administrator, with Texas Water Development Board Proposition 6:... Read More →
Join Texas A&M AgriLife Extension for this Water Wednesdays webinar to learn more about Xeriscaping with native plants from Deedy Wright, member of the Native Plant Society of Texas.
Raptor Week offers participants the opportunity to discover more about the wonderful world of raptors! This week-long series of virtual seminars is curated to provide science-based knowledge, offer ID tips and techniques, and foster engaging discussions.
Learn about the recent delisting of the Black-capped Vireo as an endangered species and the multiyear progress of a population monitoring project led by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in cooperation with state, Federal, NGO and individual Texas residents.
Zoom: Throughout Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center's 26 years of rock art documentation and research, the organization has amassed a staggering 80 terabytes of digital data. With technology rapidly changing each year, how do they manage this priceless archaeological data and ensure that it is accessible to future researchers and educators?