Webinar: In the Life of Butterflies East of the Rockies

This webinar continues to explore the life of butterflies that began in the west and now looks east over the Continental Divide running along the Rockies to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Learn about the threats butterflies must contend with including habitat loss, changing climate conditions and land management practices, and what we can all do to protect them and their habitats.

Time to Restore Texas Workshop: Informing Climate-Smart Plantings for Pollinators [Citizen Science]

Join a citizen science project led by the USA National Phenology Network to gather better information about nectar availability and seed timing to help those working on pollinator restoration know what to plant and when to harvest seeds. Help shape this important project by attending a free, two-hour virtual workshop on August 21 or August 24 to participate in the Time to Restore project. Registration opens August 1 at 8 a.m. 
