We are glad you are here to learn more about the Gideon Lincecum Chapter of Texas Master Naturalists.
What’s New
March Chapter Meeting: Time to Restore Citizen Science Opportunity
Join chapter and community members to learn about Time to Restore, a citizen science project…
February News: Pollinators, Texas River Clean-Ups and Other Wild Things
The February issue of The GLC Tidings is now available to download, share and inspire…
Do it for the birds!
The whole world is counting birds during February’s Great Backyard Bird Count. Texas Master Naturalists…
Who are Master Naturalists?
We are volunteers working to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within our communities for the State of Texas.

Our chapter
Serving Austin, Colorado, Fayette, Lee and Washington counties, the Gideon Lincecum chapter, with more than 120 members, is named after an early naturalist who spent many years exploring Texas and researching and writing about its flora and fauna. He was renowned for his in-depth studies of ants. Read more about Gideon Lincecum.
We are one of the most active chapters in the state, busy continuing our education in “all things Texas nature,” helping people of all ages learn more about our natural resources, and working at our myriad service projects spread over 5 counties. For some highlights of our members and our activities, see What’s New, and read the latest edition of The GLC Tidings, our chapter newsletter.