After many years of dedicated leadership, Judith Deaton needs to turn leadership of the Indian Creek project over to a new project leader. Judith describes the project leader duties as follows:
- The Nature Area of about one acre belongs to the Texas Cotton Gin
- Liaise with Steph Jarvis, manager of the Texas Cotton Gin, when starting something new
- Plan yearly activities, improvements and set a budget for the Treasurer/President
- Arrange for a member who lives relatively locally to mow the park when necessary
- Maintain the pollinator garden – this includes a watering schedule during the summer months, planting and weeding – contact the Prairie committee for Greenhouse plants
- Maintain the fixtures (bridge, tables, swing, trash can, bench, bat box, signposts)
- Maintain the 1/4 miles of trails (mulch, edging and fixing log edging in place as floods can cause wash out)
- Mulch is delivered free by Bluebonnet Electric. Contact them when needed.
- Coordinate cleanup of Nature Area and park for the Cotton Gin Festival
- Write up regular status reports for the business meetings
- Keep website information current
- Put photos and reports in Dropbox
- Generally have a workday every month on the third Friday unless not necessary and maintain the Dropbox workday sheet
- It would be good to organize activities for children in the Park/Nature Area with local Burton schools)
If you are interested in taking a leadership role to keep this gem looking its best, please contact Judith Deaton.