The Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge (BCNWR) is having a Work Day in honor of National Trail Day. The work day is scheduled for Saturday, September 26, from 7:30 am – 3:00 pm. Plan to meet at Refuge Headquarters at 7:30 am. Bring water, wear closed toe shoes, hat, gloves and sunscreen. Trail work will be from 8:00 am until 10:30 am. Work will be conducted at Doeskin, Warbler Vista and around the Headquarters area. Bring shovels, weed whips, loppers, rakes and hand shears.
Volunteers will gather at 11:30 am for a catered BBQ lunch (must RSVP for lunch and choose BBQ, fried chicken or vegetarian). The afternoon will be devoted to tours of two of the new trail areas (Peaceful Springs and Simon Tract). One of the goals of Trail Day is to introduce others to the beautiful BCNWR. Invite a friend.
For additional information and to RSVP, contact Jane Brunclik at 512-466-6813
BCNWR is located at 24518 FM 1431, Marble Falls, Texas. Directions: Take Hwy 183 to intersection with FM 1431 (south from Georgetown and north from Austin). Turn west on FM 1431 and drive west until you see the Refuge entrance on the right (north) side of the road. You will drive past Jonestown and Lago Vista.